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Steve Hackett - Premonitions: The Charisma Recordings 1975-1983 '2015 (474-141-4, RM, EU)

Premonitions: The Charisma Recordings 1975-1983
ArtistSteve Hackett Related artists
Album name Premonitions: The Charisma Recordings 1975-1983
Country 474-141-4, RM, EU
Date 2015
GenreProgressive Rock
Play time 09:21:50
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 934 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 3409.14 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • MP3 320 kbps
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
CD 1
1. Album 'Voyage Of The Acolyte'
2. Album 'Voyage Of The Acolyte'
3. Album 'Voyage Of The Acolyte'
4. Album 'Voyage Of The Acolyte'
5. Album 'Voyage Of The Acolyte'
6. Album 'Voyage Of The Acolyte'
7. Album 'Voyage Of The Acolyte'
8. Bonus Track
9. Album 'Please Don't Touch'
10. Album 'Please Don't Touch'
11. Album 'Please Don't Touch'
12. Album 'Please Don't Touch'
CD 2
1. Every Day
2. The Virgin And The Gypsy
3. Red Flower Of Tachai Blooms Everywhere
4. Clocks - The Angel Of Mons
5. Ballad Of The Decomposing Man
6. Lost Time In Cordoba
7. Tigermoth
CD 3
1. Album 'Please Don't Touch'
2. Album 'Please Don't Touch'
3. Album 'Please Don't Touch'
4. Album 'Please Don't Touch'
5. Album 'Please Don't Touch'
6. Album 'Spectral Mornings'
7. Album 'Spectral Mornings'
8. Album 'Spectral Mornings'
9. Album 'Spectral Mornings'
10. Album 'Spectral Mornings'
11. Album 'Spectral Mornings'
12. Album 'Spectral Mornings'
13. Album 'Spectral Mornings'
14. Album 'Defector'
15. Album 'Defector'
16. Album 'Defector'
CD 4
1. Album 'Defector'
2. Album 'Defector'
3. Album 'Defector'
4. Album 'Defector'
5. Album 'Defector'
6. Bonus Track
7. Album 'Cured'
8. Album 'Cured'
9. Album 'Cured'
10. Album 'Cured'
11. Album 'Cured'
12. Album 'Cured'
13. Album 'Cured'
14. Album 'Cured'
15. Bonus Track
CD 5
1. Album 'Highly Strung'
2. Album 'Highly Strung'
3. Album 'Highly Strung'
4. Album 'Highly Strung'
5. Album 'Highly Strung'
6. Album 'Highly Strung'
7. Album 'Highly Strung'
8. Album 'Highly Strung'
9. Album 'Highly Strung'
10. Bonus Track
11. Bonus Track
12. Bonus Track
13. Bonus Track
14. Bonus Track
CD 6
1. Please Don’t Touch
2. Tigermoth
3. Every Day
4. Narnia
5. Red Flower Of Tachai Blooms Everywhere
6. Ace Of Wands
7. Carry On Up The Vicarage
CD 7
1. Tower Struck Down
2. Spectral Mornings
3. Star Of Sirius
4. Shadow Of The Heirophant
5. Clocks - The Angels Of Mons
6. I Know What I Like
CD 8
1. Please Don.t Touch
2. Tigermoth
3. Every Day
4. Ace Of Wands
5. Sentimental Institution
6. The Red Flower Of Tachai Blooms Everywhere
7. Spectral Mornings
8. Clocks - The Angels Of Mons
CD 9
1. Air Conditioned Nightmare
2. Every Day
3. Ace Of Wands
4. Funny Feeling
5. Steppes
6. Over Night Sleeper
7. Slogans
8. Tower Struck Down
9. Spectral Mornings
10. Show
CD 10
1. Narnia
2. Carry On Up The Vicarage
3. Racing In A
4. Kim
5. How Can I?
6. Hoping Love Will Last
7. Land Of A Thousand Autumns
8. Please Don't Touch
9. The Voice Of Necam

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Steve Hackett



Live album