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Sun Ra - Artyard In A Box (7CD) '2012

Artyard In A Box (7CD)
ArtistSun Ra Related artists
Album name Artyard In A Box (7CD)
Date 2012
Play time 05:59:50
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 943 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 2052.53 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • MP3 320 kbps
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
CD 1 - Disco 3000
1. Disco 3000
2. Third Planet
3. Friendly Galaxy
4. Dance of The Cosmo Aliens
CD 2 - Sleeping beauty
1. Springtime Again
2. Door of the Cosmos
3. Sleeping Beauty
CD 3 - On Jupiter
1. On Jupiter
2. UFO
3. Seductive Fantasy
CD 4 - Beyond the purple star zone & Oblique parallax
1. Beyond the Purple Star Zone
2. Rocket Number Nine
3. Immortal Being
4. Romance on a Satellite
5. Planetary Search
6. Oblique Parallax
7. Vista Omniverse
8. Celestial Realms
9. Journey Stars Beyond
CD 5 - Horizon
1. Theme of the Star Gazers
2. Discipline #2
3. The Shadow World
4. Enlightenment
5. Love In Outer Space
6. Third Planet
7. Space Is The Place
8. Horizon
9. Discipline #8
10. We'll Wait For You
11. The Satellites Are Spinning
CD 6 - Midhamu & Dark myth equation visitation
1. Space Loneliness
2. Discipline #11
3. Discipline #15
4. Nidhamu
5. Discipline #27
6. Solar Ship Voyage
7. Cosmo-Darkness
8. The Light Thereof
9. Friendly Galaxy #2
10. To Nature's God
11. Why Go to the Moon?
CD 7 - The antique blacks
1. Song No. 1
2. There Is Change in the Air
3. The Antique Blacks
4. This Song Is Dedicated to Nature's God
5. The Ridiculous 'I' and the Cosmos Me
6. Would I for All That Were
7. Space Is the Place
8. You Thought You Could Build a World Without Us

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Sun Ra



