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Erasure - 3. Singles '2001 (ebx3, UK)

3. Singles
ArtistErasure Related artists
Album name 3. Singles
Country ebx3, UK
Date 2001
Play time 03:46:06
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 1012 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 1544.02 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • MP3 320 kbps
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
CD 1
1. Stop! [Cold Ending]
2. The Hardest Part
3. Knocking On Your Door
4. She Won't Be Home
5. The Hardest Part [12'' Version]
6. Knocking On Your Door [12'' Version]
7. Stop! [Mark Saunders Remix]
8. Knocking On Your Door [Mark Saunders Remix]
CD 2
1. Drama
2. Sweet, Sweet Baby
3. Drama!
4. Sweet, Sweet Baby
5. Paradise
6. Drama!
7. Sweet, Sweet Baby
CD 3
1. You Surround Me
2. 91 Steps
3. You Surround Me [Syrinx Mix]
4. Supernature
5. 91 Steps [+24 Mix]
6. You Surround Me
7. Supernature
8. 91 Steps
9. Supernature [Daniel Miller & Phil Legg Mix]
10. Supernature
CD 4
1. Blue Savannah
2. Runaround On The Underground
3. Blue Savannah
4. No G.D.M
5. Blue Savannah
6. No G.D.M. [Unfinished Mix]
7. Runaround On The Underground
CD 5
1. Star
2. Dreamlike State
3. Star
4. Dreamlike State [The 12 Hour Technicolor Mix]
5. Star
6. Star

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