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The Early Music Consort Of London - The Art Of The Netherlands - Mass Movements '1998

The Art Of The Netherlands - Mass Movements
ArtistThe Early Music Consort Of London Related artists
Album name The Art Of The Netherlands - Mass Movements
Date 1998
Play time 02:12:34
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 525 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 519.98 Mb
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  • Quality
  • MP3 320 kbps
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
CD 1
1. The Early Music Consort of London - Kyrie
2. The Early Music Consort of London - Gloria
3. The Early Music Consort of London - Credo super 'De tous biens'
4. The Early Music Consort of London - Sanctus
5. The Early Music Consort of London - Agnus Dei
6. The Early Music Consort of London - Haec Deum caeli
7. The Early Music Consort of London - O bone Jesu
8. The Early Music Consort of London - De profundis
9. The Early Music Consort of London - Benedicta es caelorum regina
10. The Early Music Consort of London - Nesciens Mater
11. The Early Music Consort of London - Inviolata integra et casta es Maria
12. The Early Music Consort of London - Intermata Dei mater
CD 2
1. anon - Scaramella va alla guerra
2. anon - Allegez moy, doulce plaisant brunette
3. anon - Allegez moy, doulce plaisant brunette
4. anon - El grillo e buon cantore
5. anon - Donna di dentro della tua casa
6. anon - De tous biens plaine
7. anon - De tous biens plaine
8. anon - De tous biens plaine
9. anon - De tous biens plaine
10. anon - Du tout plonget - Fors seulement
11. anon - Mijn morken gaf mijn een jonck wijff
12. anon - Ghy syt die wertste boven al
13. anon - Ein frцhlich wesen
14. anon - Ein frцhlich wesen
15. anon - Ein frцhlich wesen
16. anon - Prenez sur moi
17. anon - Ma bouche rit
18. anon - Guillaume se va chauffer
19. anon - Adieu mes amours
20. anon - Adieu mes amors
21. anon - Fortuna desperata

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The Early Music Consort Of London
