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Divers - Dictionary Of Medieval & Renaissance Instruments, Cantus '1994

Dictionary Of Medieval & Renaissance Instruments, Cantus
ArtistDivers Related artists
Album name Dictionary Of Medieval & Renaissance Instruments, Cantus
Date 1994
Play time 02:18:47
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 565 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 545.27 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Organetto Anon., 14th century, Spain Improvisation
2. 15th-16th century positive organ Gilles Binchois Je ne fais tousjours
3. 16th century positive organ Francisco Guerrero Deposuit potentes
4. 16th century great Iberian cathedral organ Francisco Hernбnandez Palero Un ve
5. 17th century chamber organ Andrzej Rohaczewski Canzon
6. Clavichord Konrad Paumann Mit ganczem willem
7. Virginals Anon., 16th century, England My Lady Carreys Dompe
8. Italian 16th century harpsichord Anon., 16th century, Italy La Forze d
9. Italian 16th century harpsichord William Byrd Praeludium MB 115
10. Italian 16th century harpsichord William Byrd Alman MB 117
11. 17th century Flemish harpsichord with recorder Anon., 17th century, England S
12. 17th century Flemish harpsichord William Byrd Rowland
13. Hurdy-gurdy Alfonso el Sabio, Cantigas de Santa Maria Cantiga 166: Como poden
14. Hurdy-gurdy Alfonso el Sabio, Cantigas de Santa Maria Cantiga 42: A virgen mu
15. Medieval cornetto muto Johannes Symonis, dit Hasprois P
16. Renaissance cornetto and sackbuts Jacob Obrecht Den haghel ende
17. Cornetto playing divisions, and viole da gamba Antoine Busnois, Felice (attr
18. 17th century cornetto Biagio Marini L'Orlandina
19. 17th century cornetti Biagio Marini Aria 'La Soranza'
20. Sackbuts playing with ensemble Guillaume Dufay Hй, compaignons
21. 16th century trombones ensemble Jacob Praetorius Salve decus Suecorum Rex
22. 17th century trombones ensemble Daniel Speer Sonata
23. 17th century trombones playing with ensemble Giovanni Battista Buonamente Son
24. 17th century natural trumpets ensemble Pieter Hainlein Fanfarria
25. Medieval bagpipe Guillaume de Machaut Je vivroie liement
26. Medieval bagpipe with other wind instruments Anon., 13th c., France Estampie
27. Medieval bagpipe with ensemble Guillaume de Machaut J'aim sans penser
28. Renaissance wind ensemble Heinrich Isaac In meinem Sinn
29. Crumhorns Anon., 16th century, Italy Saltarello Francese
30. Crumhorns playing with ensemble Anon., 16th century, Italy Pavana La Bataglia
31. Medieval violin - Anon., 13th c., France - Estampie
32. Medieval fiddles accompanied by gittern Anon., 13th c., France In seculum vie
33. Medieval fiddles Guillaume de Machaut Dame, ne regardes pas
34. Medieval fiddles accompanying a voice Anon., 13th c., France Puisque bele dam
35. Medieval fiddles playing with ensemble Guillaume de Machaut Joie, plaisance
36. Viola da gamba Heinrich Isaac Tar tara
37. Viola da gamba Anon., 15th-16th c., Italy Fantasia a 3 viole
38. Viola da gamba with ensemble Bartolomeo Trombocino Deh si, deh no
39. Viola da gamba soloist with instrumental ensemble Anon., 15th-16th c., Italy
40. Lyra-violl Tobias Hume Life
41. Violin and viols of the 16th century in ensemble Giorgio Mainerio Gagliarda
42. Violin of the 16th century Giorgio Mainerio Saltarello
43. Early 17th century violin Carlo Farina Correnta quarta
44. 17th century violins Marcin Mielczewski Canzon I
45. Medieval wire-strung harp Anon., 13th c., France Improvisation over an anonym
46. Medieval harp and lute played with plectrum Anon., 13th c., England Fuwлles i
47. Medieval harp with ensemble Anon., 13th c., France Chanзonnete, A la cheminйe
48. 15th century harp and lute Gilles Binchois Mesdisans m'ont cuidie
49. 16th century Spanish harp Alonso Mudarra Tiento para harpa
50. Renaissance lute and voice Adrian Willaert O dolce vita mia
51. Renaissance lute Joan Ambrosio Dalza Poi che volse (arrangement of the vocal
52. Renaissance lute Pier Paolo Borrono Fantasia per liuto
53. Family of renaissance lutes and viola da gamba Giorgio Mainerio La Zanetta pa
54. Family of renaissance lutes and guitar Anon., 16th century, Italy Paduana del Re
55. Vihuela de mano Alonso Mudarra Romanesca o Guardame las Vacas
56. Elizabethan lute Anon., 16-17th century Galliard
57. Cittern Anthony Holborne The voice of the earth
58. Sopranino lute and family of lutes Carlo Farina Gagliarda prima Poi che volse
59. Medieval recorder Guillaume de Machaut Tels rit au main
60. Ensemble of medieval recorders Anon., 13th c., France In seculum d'Amiens (mo
61. Pair of medieval recorders Guillaume de Machaut Honte, paour, doubtance
62. Renaissance recorder playing in ensemble Gilles Binchois Triste plaisir
63. Renaissance recorder playing in divisions Alexander Agricola De tous biens pl
64. Family of renaissance recorders with ensemble Giorgio Mainerio Schiarazula ma
65. A courtly dance ensemble: families of recorders & alternatim Anon., 16th cent
66. Quartet of renaissance recorders Carlo Farina Correnta sesta
67. Renaissance flute and harp Anon., 16th century, Italy Gentil dame
68. Renaissance flute playing with ensemble Giorgio Mainerio Ungarescha
69. Family of renaissance flutes Eustache du Caurroy Il estoit une fillette
70. English Consort Anon., 16th, 17th century Nutmiggs and Ginger

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