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Duke Ellington - The Duke Historically Speaking (2014) [Hi-Res stereo] 24bit 96kHz '1956

The Duke Historically Speaking (2014) [Hi-Res stereo] 24bit 96kHz
ArtistDuke Ellington Related artists
Album name The Duke Historically Speaking (2014) [Hi-Res stereo] 24bit 96kHz
Date 1956
Play time 00:39:16
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 1785 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media CD
Size 516.45 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 44.1 kHz
Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 44.1 kHz
1. The Duke Historically Speaking [24 - - East St. Louis Toodle-O
2. The Duke Historically Speaking [24 - - Creole Love Call
3. The Duke Historically Speaking [24 - - Stompy Jones
4. The Duke Historically Speaking [24 - - The Jeep Is Jumpin'
5. The Duke Historically Speaking [24 - - Jack the Bear
6. The Duke Historically Speaking [24 - - In a Mellow Tone
7. The Duke Historically Speaking [24 - - Ko-Ko
8. The Duke Historically Speaking [24 - - Midriff
9. The Duke Historically Speaking [24 - - Stomp Look and Listen
10. The Duke Historically Speaking [24 - - The Unbooted Character
11. The Duke Historically Speaking [24 - - Lonesome Lullaby
12. The Duke Historically Speaking [24 - - Upper Manhattan Medical Group

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Duke Ellington




Live album