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James Newton Howard - The Great Debaters / Большие спорщики OST '2007

The Great Debaters / Большие спорщики OST
ArtistJames Newton Howard Related artists
Album name The Great Debaters / Большие спорщики OST
Date 2007
Play time 00:57:04
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 639 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 271.39 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. and Peter Golub - The Great Debaters
2. and Peter Golub - Wiley College
3. and Peter Golub - Meet Me After Class
4. and Peter Golub - Who's Next?
5. and Peter Golub - Choosing the Team
6. and Peter Golub - Give Me the Check
7. and Peter Golub - Who's Your Opponent?
8. and Peter Golub - Union Meeting
9. and Peter Golub - Sheriff Tightens Grip
10. and Peter Golub - Quinn Debate
11. and Peter Golub - Burgess Quits
12. and Peter Golub - Oklahoma Debate
13. and Peter Golub - Tolson Arrested
14. and Peter Golub - Lynching
15. and Peter Golub - Lowe Returns Drunk
16. and Peter Golub - Never Going to Forget
17. and Peter Golub - James' Failure
18. and Peter Golub - Letter from Howard
19. and Peter Golub - Train to Boston
20. and Peter Golub - Empty Debate Hall
21. and Peter Golub - Satyagraha
22. and Peter Golub - Who's the Judge?
23. and Peter Golub - Memorial Hall
24. and Peter Golub - James' Speech
25. and Peter Golub - And the Winner Is

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James Newton Howard

