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John Debney - My Favorite Martian '1999

My Favorite Martian
ArtistJohn Debney Related artists
Album name My Favorite Martian
Date 1999
Play time 01:06:00
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 610 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 289.62 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. 1. My Favorite Martian Medley
2. 2. Uncle Martin Appears
3. Martin Sneaks In
4. 4. Operation Deadhead
5. 5. Tim Fights Zoot
6. 6. What's a Lizzie
7. SETI Operation
8. 8. Spaceship Crash Landing
9. 9. The Ship Expands
10. 10. Followed on the Pier
11. 11. Mrs. Brown
12. Brace Discovery
13. 13. Zoot in Love
14. 14. Zipper Trouble
15. 15. Lizzie & Tim Kiss
16. 16. Martian Depression
17. 17. Zoot Reacts
18. 18. Dr. Coleye's Plan
19. 19. Tim & Lizzie
20. 20. Lizzie Reduced
21. 21. Martin Becomes Brace
22. 22. The Newscast
23. 23. Mrs. Brown Takes the Ship
24. 24. Into the Sewer
25. 25. The Sewer Chase
26. 26. Toilet Trouble
27. 27. Kiss From a Martian
28. 28. Martian Gets a Dart
29. 29. Captured and Analyzed
30. 30. Lizzie Transforms
31. 31. Martin Resurrected
32. Saying Goodbye
33. Coleye Gets It
34. 34. Uncle Martin Returns
35. 35. Martian Mambo

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