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Mahavishnu Orchestra - The Complete Columbia Albums Collection '2012 (88697 93034 2, EU)

The Complete Columbia Albums Collection
ArtistMahavishnu Orchestra Related artists
Album name The Complete Columbia Albums Collection
Country 88697 93034 2, EU
Date 2012
Play time 04:09:25
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 981 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 1523.18 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • MP3 320 kbps
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
CD 1
1. Meeting Of The Spirits [2011 Master]
2. Dawn [2011 Master]
3. The Noonward Race [2011 Master]
4. A Lotus On Irish Streams [2011 Master]
5. Vital Transformation [2011 Master]
6. The Dance Of Maya [2011 Master]
7. You Know, You Know [2011 Master]
8. Awakening [2011 Master]
9. The Noonward Race [2011 Master]
CD 2
1. Birds Of Fire [Album Version]
2. Miles Beyond [album version]
3. Celestial Terrestrial Commuters [album version]
4. Sapphire Bullets Of Pure Love [album version]
5. Thousand Island Park [album version]
6. Hope [album version]
7. One Word [album version]
8. Sanctuary [album version]
9. Open Country Joy [album version]
10. Resolution [album version]
CD 3
1. Dream
2. Trilogy
3. Sister Andrea
4. I Wonder
5. Steppings Tones
6. John's Song #2
CD 4
1. Trilogy [2011 Master]
2. Sister Andrea [2011 Master]
3. Dream [2011 Master]
CD 5
1. Hope [2011 Master]
2. Awakening [2011 Master]
3. You Know, You Know [2011 Master]
4. One Word [2011 Master]
5. Stepping Tones [2011 Master]
6. Vital Transformation [2011 Master]
7. The Dance Of Maya [2011 Master]

Archive content

Mahavishnu Orchestra

