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The Reverend Horton Heat - Holy Roller '1999

Holy Roller
ArtistThe Reverend Horton Heat Related artists
Album name Holy Roller
Date 1999
GenreRock & Roll
Play time 01:11:03
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 1045 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 471.32 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Reverend Horton Heat - Big Sky
2. Reverend Horton Heat - Baddest of the Bad
3. Reverend Horton Heat - Wiggle Stick
4. Reverend Horton Heat - Big Red Rocket of Love
5. Reverend Horton Heat - Bales of Cocaine
6. Reverend Horton Heat - Bath-Water Blues
7. Reverend Horton Heat - Lie Detector
8. Reverend Horton Heat - 400 Bucks
9. Reverend Horton Heat - Marijuana
10. Reverend Horton Heat - It's Martini Time
11. Reverend Horton Heat - Baby I'm Drunk
12. Reverend Horton Heat - Where in the Hell Did You Go with My Toothbrush?
13. Reverend Horton Heat - Bad Reputation
14. Reverend Horton Heat - One Time for Me
15. Reverend Horton Heat - Now, Right Now
16. Reverend Horton Heat - Slow
17. Reverend Horton Heat - Love Whip
18. Reverend Horton Heat - Jimbo Song
19. Reverend Horton Heat - Big Little Baby
20. Reverend Horton Heat - Cowboy Love
21. Reverend Horton Heat - In Your Wildest Dreams
22. Reverend Horton Heat - Eat Steak
23. Reverend Horton Heat - Folsom Prison Blues
24. Reverend Horton Heat - The Entertainer

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