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Golden Earring - The Complete Studio Recordings '2017 (571944-1, NL, Part 4)

The Complete Studio Recordings
ArtistGolden Earring Related artists
Album name The Complete Studio Recordings
Country 571944-1, NL, Part 4
Date 2017
GenrePop Rock
Play time 03:34:42
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 1020 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 1506.46 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • MP3 320 kbps
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
CD 1
1. The Devil Made Me Do It
2. Future
3. Baby Dynamite
4. Last Of The Mohicans
5. Lost And Found
6. Twilight Zone
7. Chargin' Up My Batteries
CD 2
1. Clear Night Moonlight
2. When The Lady Smiles
3. Enough Is Enough
4. Fist In Glove
5. Orwell's Year
6. N.E.W.S
7. I'll Make It All Up To You
8. Mission Impossible
9. It's Over Now
CD 3
1. They Dance
2. Quiet Eyes
3. Save The Best For Later
4. Have A Heart
5. Love In Motion
6. Jane Jane
7. Jump And Run
8. Why Do I
9. A Shout In The Dark
CD 4
1. Can Do That
2. Too Much Woman
3. One Word
4. Keeper Of The Flame
5. Turn The World Around
6. Circles
7. Say My Prayer
8. Distant Love
9. Nighthawks
10. My Killer My Shadow
CD 5
1. Making Love To Yourself
2. Temporary Madness
3. Going To The Run
4. Joe
5. Planet Blue
6. Bloody Buccaneers
7. One Shot Away From Paradise
8. When Love Turns To Pain
9. In A Bad Mood
10. Pourin' My Heart Out Again

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Golden Earring




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