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Beethoven - Complete Beethoven Edition Vol.17 (CD3) '1997

Complete Beethoven Edition Vol.17 (CD3)
ArtistBeethoven Related artists
Album name Complete Beethoven Edition Vol.17 (CD3)
Date 1997
Play time 00:39:41
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 930 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 236.76 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Ann Murray - 23. A wand'ring gypsey, Sirs, am I
2. John Mark Ainsley, Christopher Maltman - 20. Farewell bliss and Farewell Nancy
3. Ann Murray - 24. The Traugh Welcome
4. Toby Spence - 6. Sad and luckless was the season
5. Toby Spence - 3. The British Light Dragoons; or, The Plain of Badajos
6. Toby Spence, Christopher Maltman - 1. When eve's last rays in twilight die
7. Ruby Philogene - 4. Since greybeards inform us that youth will decay
8. Ruby Philogene - 2. No riches from his scanty store
9. Ruby Philogene, Christopher Maltman - 5. I dream'd I lay where flow'rs were springing
10. Christopher Maltman - 9. The kiss, dear maid, thy lip has left
11. Ruby Philogene - 7. O soothe me, my lyre
12. Ruby Philogene - 15. 'Tis but in vain, for nothing thrives
13. Ruby Philogene - 11. When far from the home
14. Toby Spence - 13. 'Tis sunshine at last
15. Christopher Maltman, Felicity Lott, Toby Spence - 8. Farewell mirth and hilarity: Norah of Balamagairy
16. Toby Spence - 19. Judy, lovely matchless creature
17. Felicity Lott - 12. I'll praise the saints with early song
18. Toby Spence - 18. No more, my Mary, I sigh for splendour
19. Felicity Lott - 20. Thy ship must sail, my Henry dear
20. Ruby Philogene - 14. Paddy O'Rafferty
21. Felicity Lott - 16. O might I but my Patrick love!
22. Felicity Lott, Christopher Maltman - 10. Oh! Thou hapless soldier
23. Ruby Philogene - 17. Come, Darby dear! easy, be easy

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