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Bill Nelson - Simplex '1990

ArtistBill Nelson Related artists
Album name Simplex
Date 1990
Play time 01:00:59
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 669 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 253.20 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. 1990 - - Awakening
2. 1990 - - Almost Unchanging
3. 1990 - - Bittersweet
4. 1990 - - Ringing True
5. 1990 - - Celestial East
6. 1990 - - Some Distant Time
7. 1990 - - The Profaned Sanctuary of the Human Heart
8. 1990 - - Forms in Open Spaces
9. 1990 - - Raindrum
10. 1990 - - Female Form
11. 1990 - - Archetypes
12. 1990 - - Solid Spaces
13. 1990 - - Abstracted
14. 1990 - - Heptarchia
15. 1990 - - Climbing
16. 1990 - - Waiting for Rain
17. 1990 - - Aqua Magica
18. 1990 - - Summer Shower
19. 1990 - - Hammertheme
20. 1990 - - The Cloud of Unknowing
21. 1990 - - Bending a Knee at the Altar of Sacrifice
22. 1990 - - a Parting of the Ways
23. 1990 - - Bronze
24. 1990 - - To Jan from the Shining Stars
25. 1990 - - Arrangement of Roses
26. 1990 - - Likewise Is Said Elsewhere
27. 1990 - - Child of the Dream
28. 1990 - - The Enclosed Garden
29. 1990 - - The Christmas Gift
30. 1990 - - Heros de Lumiere
31. 1990 - - Your Morning Blessing

Archive content

Bill Nelson




Live album