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Roger Waters - Ça Ira (English Version, 2013) Part 2 '2005 (UK)

Ça Ira (English Version, 2013) Part 2
ArtistRoger Waters Related artists
Album name Ça Ira (English Version, 2013) Part 2
Country UK
Date 2005
GenreClassical Crossover
Play time 01:01:12
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 5191 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media WEB
Size 2278.72 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • MP3 320 kbps
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
1. 20. "My Dear Cousin Bourbon of Spain..."
2. 21. Silver, Sugar and Indigo
3. 22. "To the Windward Isles..."
4. 23. The Papal Edict
5. 24. "In Paris There's a Rumble Under the Ground..."
6. 25. "The Ship of State Is All at Sea..."
7. 26. The Fugitive King
8. 27. "But the Marquis of Boulli Has a Trump Card up His Sleeve..."
9. 28. "To Take Your Hat off..."
10. 29. "The Echoes Never Fade from That Fusillade..."
11. 30. The Commune de Paris
12. 31. "Vive la Commune de Paris..."
13. 32. "The National Assembly is Confused..."
14. 33. The Execution of Louis Capet
15. 34. "Adieu Louis for You It's Over..."
16. 35. Marie Antoinette - The Last Night on Earth
17. 36. "Adieu My Good and Tender Sister..."
18. 37. Liberty
19. 38. "And in the Bushes Where They Survive..."

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Roger Waters




Live album

