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The Piano Guys - Live! (HiRes) '2015

Live! (HiRes)
ArtistThe Piano Guys Related artists
Album name Live! (HiRes)
Date 2015
GenreNew Age
Play time 00:55:17
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 1433 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media WEB
Size 578.42 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. 2015. Live! [24 -
2. 2015. Live! [24 - Let It Go
3. 2015. Live! [24 - All Of Me
4. 2015. Live! [24 - U2 Loop “With Or Without You”
5. 2015. Live! [24 - With Or Without You
6. 2015. Live! [24 - Without You
7. 2015. Live! [24 - Summer Jam
8. 2015. Live! [24 - Summer Jam
9. 2015. Live! [24 - Fathers' Eyes
10. 2015. Live! [24 - Fathers' Eyes
11. 2015. Live! [24 - Beethoven's 5 Secrets
12. 2015. Live! [24 - The Cello Song
13. 2015. Live! [24 - The Cello Song
14. 2015. Live! [24 - The Mission - How Great Thou Art
15. 2015. Live! [24 - The Mission - How Great Thou Art
16. 2015. Live! [24 - A Thousand Years
17. 2015. Live! [24 - A Thousand Years
18. 2015. Live! [24 - Peponi
19. 2015. Live! [24 - What Makes You Beautiful

Archive content

The Piano Guys


Live album