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Willie Smith - Pianist And Character 1935/1949 '2000

Pianist And Character 1935/1949
ArtistWillie Smith Related artists
Album name Pianist And Character 1935/1949
Date 2000
Play time 00:56:47
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 364 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 161.65 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. 'The Lion' - Passionnette
2. 'The Lion' - Rippling Waters
3. 'The Lion' - Finger Buster
4. 'The Lion' - Echoes of Spring
5. 'The Lion' - Here Comes the Band
6. 'The Lion' - Portrait of the Duke
7. 'The Lion' - Charleston
8. 'The Lion' - What Can I Do With a Foolish Girl Like You?
9. 'The Lion' - Harlem Joys
10. 'The Lion' - Breeze
11. 'The Lion' - The Swampland is Calling Me
12. 'The Lion' - More Than That
13. 'The Lion' - I'm All Out of Breath
14. 'The Lion' - I Can See You All Over the Place
15. 'The Lion' - Stormy Weather
16. 'The Lion' - The Panic is On
17. 'The Lion' - Jumpin' Down Blues
18. 'The Lion' - I'm Coming Virginia
19. 'The Lion' - Limehouse Blues
20. 'The Lion' - You're the Limit

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Willie Smith
