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Tetuzi Akiyama Toshimaru Nakamura Otomo Yoshihide Taku Unami - Compositions For Guitars, Vol. 2 '2004

Compositions For Guitars, Vol. 2
ArtistTetuzi Akiyama Toshimaru Nakamura Otomo Yoshihide Taku Unami Related artists
Album name Compositions For Guitars, Vol. 2
Date 2004
GenreFree Jazz
Play time 00:59:09
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 744 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 213.82 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. 1. gt flo #2
2. Toshimaru Nakamura: feedback between an electric guitar, two guitar amps, and three pickups
3. Recorded by Toshimaru Nakamura in Tokyo, June 2003
4. 2. Moebius Rings
5. Tetuzi Akiyama: nylon string resonator guitars, overdubbed twice
6. Recorded by Taku Unami at Hibari Studio, Tokyo, April 11, 2004
7. 3. Plastics Pick and Mini-Motor
8. Otomo Yoshihide: electric guitar
9. Recorded at Kid Ailack Art Hall, Tokyo, March 17, 2004
10. 4. The Whisperer in Darkness
11. Tetuzi Akiyama: acoustic guitar
12. Taku Unami: pedal steel guitar
13. Recorded at Hibari Studio, Tokyo, April 11, 2004
14. 5. Softly, as in Five Guitars Feedbacks

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Tetuzi Akiyama Toshimaru Nakamura Otomo Yoshihide Taku Unami
