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Raphael Imbert Project - Raphael Imbert Project - Bach Coltrane '2008

Raphael Imbert Project - Bach Coltrane
ArtistRaphael Imbert Project Related artists
Album name Raphael Imbert Project - Bach Coltrane
Date 2008
Play time 01:14:49
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 736 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 404.58 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Raphael Imbert - J.S.Bach - Art de la Fugue: 1er Contrepoint et improvisation de Raphael Imbert
2. J.Coltrane - Crescent: Partie I
3. J.Coltrane - Crescent: Partie II
4. J.Coltrane - Crescent: Partie III
5. J.Coltrane - Crescent: Partie IV
6. J.S.Bach - Concerto pour clavier BWV1056: Largo
7. J.S.Bach - Concerto pour clavier BWV 1056: Improvisation
8. He nevuh said a mumbalin' word : Introduction
9. He nevuh said a mumbalin' word : He nevuh said a mumbalin' word
10. Andre Rossi - J.S.Bach - Fantaisie BWV 542 sol mineur - Andre Rossi
11. J.S.Bach - Messe BWV 232 si mineur: Crucifixus
12. Quatuor Manfred - J.S.Bach - Art de da Fugue: 9eme Contrepoint - Quatuor Manfred
13. J.S.Bach - Jesu meine Freude BWV 227: Partie I
14. J.S.Bach - Jesu meine Freude BWV 227: Partie II
15. Gerard Lesne - J.S.Bach - Cantate 'Vergnutgte Ruh, beliebte Seelenlust' BWV 170
16. J.Coltrane - The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost
17. J.Coltrane - Reverend King
18. A.Rossi - Choral de Mi: Partie I
19. A.Rossi - Choral de Mi: Partie II

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Raphael Imbert Project
