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Volker Klenner & His Boston Bluesfriends - The Way I Found The Blues '2000

The Way I Found The Blues
ArtistVolker Klenner & His Boston Bluesfriends Related artists
Album name The Way I Found The Blues
Date 2000
Play time 00:45:18
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 909 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 294.85 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Volker Klenner & his Boston Bluesfriends - Gimme some wheat-beer
2. Volker Klenner & his Boston Bluesfriends - Workin' for the weekend
3. Volker Klenner & his Boston Bluesfriends - The way I found the Blues
4. Volker Klenner & his Boston Bluesfriends - Waiting for the train
5. Volker Klenner & his Boston Bluesfriends - Remembering Curtis
6. Volker Klenner & his Boston Bluesfriends - Tell me why
7. Volker Klenner & his Boston Bluesfriends - Ocean breeze
8. Volker Klenner & his Boston Bluesfriends - Sittin' at the river
9. Volker Klenner & his Boston Bluesfriends - Party time
10. Volker Klenner & his Boston Bluesfriends - Your soul will live on
11. Volker Klenner & his Boston Bluesfriends - Addicted to the G.A.S

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Volker Klenner & His Boston Bluesfriends
