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The Lovin' Spoonful - Daydream '1966 (2016, SICP 31008, RE, RM, JAPAN)

ArtistThe Lovin' Spoonful Related artists
Album name Daydream
Country 2016, SICP 31008, RE, RM, JAPAN
Date 1966
GenrePop Rock
Play time 01:16:59
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 755 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 427.36 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Mono
2. Mono
3. Mono
4. Mono
5. Mono
6. Mono
7. Mono
8. Mono
9. Mono
10. Mono
11. Mono
12. Mono
13. Stereo
14. Stereo
15. Stereo
16. Stereo
17. Stereo
18. Stereo
19. Stereo
20. Stereo
21. Stereo
22. Stereo
23. Stereo
24. BonusTrack
25. BonusTrack
26. BonusTrack
27. BonusTrack

Archive content

The Lovin' Spoonful


