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The Rolling Stones - Collection 1971-1989 '1990 (466 918 2, EU, Part 2)

Collection 1971-1989
ArtistThe Rolling Stones Related artists
Album name Collection 1971-1989
Country 466 918 2, EU, Part 2
Date 1990
GenreRhythm and Blues
Play time 05:22:09
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 899 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 2037.86 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • MP3 320 kbps
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
CD 1
1. Dance
2. Summer romance
3. Send it to me
4. Let me go
5. Indian girl
6. Where the boys go
7. Down in the hole
8. Emotional rescue
9. She's so cold
CD 2
1. Start Me Up
2. hang Fire
3. Slave
4. Little T & A
5. Black Limousine
6. Neighbors
7. Worried About You
8. Tops
9. Heaven
10. No Use in Crying
CD 3
1. Intro - Take The A Train
2. Under My Thumb
3. Let's Spend The Night Together
4. Shattered
5. Twenty Flight Rock
6. Going To A Go-Go
7. Let Me Go
8. Time Is On My Side
9. Just My Imagination
10. Start Me Up
11. Satisfaction
CD 4
1. Undercover Of The Night
2. She Was Hot
3. Tie You Up
4. Wanna Hold You
5. Feel On Baby
6. Too Much Blood
7. Pretty Beat Up
8. Too Tough
9. All The Way Down
CD 5
1. One Hit
2. Fight
3. Harlem Shuffle
4. Hold Back
5. Too Rude
6. Winning Ugly
7. Back to Zero
8. Dirty Work
9. Had It with You
10. Sleep Tonight
CD 6
1. Sad sad sad
2. Mixed emotions
3. Terrifying
4. Hold on to your hat
5. Hearts for sale
6. Blinded by love
7. Rock and a hard place
8. Can't be seen
9. Almost hear you sigh
10. Continental drift
11. Break the pell
CD 7
1. Rock and a Hard Place
2. Miss You
3. Cook Cook Blues
4. Everything is Turning to Gold
5. Winning Ugly
6. Beast of Burden
7. Fancyman Blues
8. Harlem Shuffle
9. Wish I'd Never

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The Rolling Stones






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