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Anorexia Nervosa - New Obscurantis Order (ltd. Edition) '2001

New Obscurantis Order (ltd. Edition)
ArtistAnorexia Nervosa Related artists
Album name New Obscurantis Order (ltd. Edition)
Date 2001
GenreBlack Metal
Play time 00:49:08
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 1102 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 412.60 Mb
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Track list

1. (00:04:42) - Mother Anorexia
2. (00:05:17) - Chatiment de la Rose
3. (00:05:17) - Black Death, Nonetheless
4. (00:07:21) - Stabat Mater Delorosa
5. (00:05:33) - Le Portail de la Vierge
6. (00:05:21) - The Alter of Holocausts
7. (00:03:00) - Hail Tyrany
8. (00:06:43) - Ordo ab Chao : The Scarlet Communion
9. (00:05:41) - Solitude (Candlemass Cover)
1. (00:04:42) - Mother Anorexia
2. (00:05:17) - ChГўtiment de la Rose
3. (00:05:17) - Black Death, Nonetheless
4. (00:07:21) - Stabat Mater Delorosa
5. (00:05:33) - Le Portail de la Vierge
6. (00:05:21) - The Alter of Holocausts
7. (00:03:00) - Hail Tyrany
8. (00:06:43) - Ordo ab Chao : The Scarlet Communion
9. (20:43:27) - Solitude (Candlemass Cover)

Archive content

Anorexia Nervosa
