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Free Radicals - The Freedom Fence '2012

The Freedom Fence
ArtistFree Radicals Related artists
Album name The Freedom Fence
Date 2012
Play time 01:07:51
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 1005 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 431.67 Mb
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Track list

1. (00:00:41) - Chosen Ones
2. (00:04:59) - NoState Solution
3. (00:01:47) - La frontera
4. (00:04:13) - Mosaico Zapatista
5. (00:01:12) - Third Ward Not For Sale
6. (00:04:09) - No Money No Nice
7. (00:01:51) - Build Levees Not Walls
8. (00:05:21) - El Muro (w/ Krudas)
9. (00:01:15) - Iron Curtain
10. (00:03:29) - Song for Riley
11. (00:01:06) - Imperial Sugar
12. (00:03:06) - Exit Al bear, Pursued by a Pig
13. (00:01:13) - ВЎNi Una MГЎs!
14. (00:03:59) - Every Wall (w/ Niyat, HISD)
15. (00:03:26) - If There's Still Hope
16. (00:01:01) - Anchor BBY Hysteria
17. (00:04:00) - Badme
18. (00:05:49) - Ben Taub Blues
19. (00:04:07) - FEMA
20. (00:01:04) - Masihlale
21. (00:03:51) - The Border Crossed Me
22. (00:04:10) - Mosh Hashanah
23. (00:01:40) - Our Streets

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Free Radicals
