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Art Van Damme - Art Van Damme With Strings '1979 (2015, Remastered)

Art Van Damme With Strings
ArtistArt Van Damme Related artists
Album name Art Van Damme With Strings
Country 2015, Remastered
Date 1979
GenreChamber Jazz
Play time 00:37:31
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 2630 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media WEB
Size 707.04 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 44.1 kHz
Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 44.1 kHz
1. 1979. With Strings [24 - Perdido
2. 1979. With Strings [24 - Polka Dots And Moonbeams
3. 1979. With Strings [24 - Mountain Greenery
4. 1979. With Strings [24 - We've Only Just Begun
5. 1979. With Strings [24 - So Nice
6. 1979. With Strings [24 - What's New
7. 1979. With Strings [24 - On A Clear Day You Can See Forever
8. 1979. With Strings [24 - Insensatez
9. 1979. With Strings [24 - Work Song
10. 1979. With Strings [24 - Moonlight In Vermont
11. 1979. With Strings [24 - A Man And A Woman
12. 1979. With Strings [24 - Corcovado

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