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Razor - Exhumed (2CD) '1994

Exhumed (2CD)
ArtistRazor Related artists
Album name Exhumed (2CD)
Date 1994
GenreThrash Metal
Play time 02:03:33
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 1054 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 927.52 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. RAZOR - Killer Instinct
2. RAZOR - Armed And Dangerous
3. RAZOR - Take This Torch
4. RAZOR - Fast And Loud
5. RAZOR - City Of Damnation
6. RAZOR - Gatecrasher
7. RAZOR - Cross Me Fool
8. RAZOR - Evil Invaders
9. RAZOR - Iron Hammer
10. RAZOR - Instant Death
11. RAZOR - Speed Merchants
12. RAZOR - Thrash Dance
13. RAZOR - A.O.D
14. RAZOR - K.M.A
15. RAZOR - Forced Annihilation
16. RAZOR - Snake Eyes
17. RAZOR - The Marshall Arts
18. RAZOR - Behind Bars
19. RAZOR - Below The Belt
20. RAZOR - Enforcer
21. RAZOR - Violent Restitution
22. RAZOR - Edge Of The
23. RAZOR - Soldier Of Fortune
24. RAZOR - Miami
25. RAZOR - Electric Torture
26. RAZOR - Meaning Of Pain
27. RAZOR - Shotgun Justice
28. RAZOR - Parricide
29. RAZOR - Brass Knuckles
30. RAZOR - Concussion
31. RAZOR - The Pugilist
32. RAZOR - In Protest
33. RAZOR - Bad Vibrations
34. RAZOR - Road Gunner
35. RAZOR - Free Lunch
36. RAZOR - Psychopath

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