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Julian Pregardien - Orpheus: Songs, Arias & Madrigals From The 17th Century '2018

Orpheus: Songs, Arias & Madrigals From The 17th Century
ArtistJulian Pregardien Related artists
Album name Orpheus: Songs, Arias & Madrigals From The 17th Century
Date 2018
Play time 01:12:48
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 576 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 300.40 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Orpheus I Am
2. La lira d'Orfeo: Ma, divertim'io voglio
3. Orpheus with His Lute
4. teatro del mondo - Come, Woeful Orpheus
5. Allerhand Oden und Lieder: No. 5, Als Orpheus schlug sein Instrument
6. Euridice: Antri, ch'a' miei lamenti
7. Opitianischer Orpheus, Pt. 1: No. 7, Nachklang
8. Le varie musiche: Al fonte, al prato
9. Madrigali di diversi autori: Filli mia, Filli dolce
10. L'Orfeo, SV 318: Vi ricorda, ГІ boschi amorosi
11. Barbara Heindlmeier, Christian Heim, Kerstin Fahr, Andreas N. KГјppers - Orfeo: Fantasie. Les pleurs d'OrphГ©e
12. Bookes of Ayres, Book 3: Breake Now My Heart and Dye, Oh No, She May Relent
13. Bookes of Ayres, Book 3: Oft Have I Sigh'd for Him That Heares Me Not
14. Euridice: Non piango e non sospiro
15. Opitianischer Orpheus, Pt. 1: No. 4, Jetzund kommt die Nacht herbei
16. Andreas N. KГјppers - Passagagli
17. The Prophetess, Z. 627 'The History of Dioclesian': Charon the Peaceful Shade Invites
18. L'Orfeo dolente: Sinfonia - Numi d'Abisso
19. Flora Papadopoulos - Ricercate e altri varij capricci, Book 2: Toccata seconda
20. L'Orfeo, SV 318: Qual onor di te fia degno
21. Toshonori Ozaki - Le trГ©sor d'OrphГ©e: No. 4, PrГ©lude
22. Euridice: Gioite al canto mio, selve frondose
23. teatro del mondo - Newe teutsche weltliche Madrigalia und Balletten: Orpheus die Harfen schlug so fein
24. La lira d'Orfeo: Al suon di questa lira
25. Opitianischer Orpheus, Pt. 1: No. 3, Wann sich der werte Gast

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Julian Pregardien
