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Andreas Haefliger - Perspectives 7 '2018

Perspectives 7
ArtistAndreas Haefliger Related artists
Album name Perspectives 7
Date 2018
Play time 01:26:54
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 376 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 233.85 Mb
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Track list

1. (00:14:44) Andreas Haefliger - Piano Sonata, Op. 1
2. (00:10:52) Andreas Haefliger - 2 Légendes, S. 175: No. 1, St. François d'Assise - La prédication aux oiseaux
3. (00:04:50) Andreas Haefliger - Piano Sonata No. 28 in A Major, Op. 101: I. Etwas lebhaft und mit der innigsten Empfindung
4. (00:06:19) Andreas Haefliger - Piano Sonata No. 28 in A Major, Op. 101: II. Lebhaft. Marschmäẞig
5. (00:03:35) Andreas Haefliger - Piano Sonata No. 28 in A Major, Op. 101: III. Langsam und sehnsuchtsvoll
6. (00:08:03) Andreas Haefliger - Piano Sonata No. 28 in A Major, Op. 101: IV. Geschwind, doch nicht zu sehr, und mit Entschlossenheit
7. (00:01:35) Andreas Haefliger - Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade I
8. (00:03:07) Andreas Haefliger - Pictures at an Exhibition: I. Gnomus
9. (00:01:06) Andreas Haefliger - Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade II
10. (00:04:41) Andreas Haefliger - Pictures at an Exhibition: II. Old Castle
11. (00:00:38) Andreas Haefliger - Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade III
13. (00:00:00) Andreas Haefliger - Pictures at an Exhibition: IV. BydЕ‚o
14. (00:00:00) Andreas Haefliger - Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade IV
15. (00:00:00) Andreas Haefliger - Pictures at an Exhibition: V. Ballet of the Chickens in Their Shells
16. (00:00:00) Andreas Haefliger - Pictures at an Exhibition: VI. Samuel Goldenberg & SchmuГїle
17. (00:00:00) Andreas Haefliger - Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade V
18. (00:00:00) Andreas Haefliger - Pictures at an Exhibition: VII. The Marketplace at Limoges
19. (00:00:00) Andreas Haefliger - Pictures at an Exhibition: VIIIa. Catacombæ (Sepulcrum Romanum)
20. (00:00:00) Andreas Haefliger - Pictures at an Exhibition: VIIIb. Con mortuis in lingua mortua
21. (00:00:00) Andreas Haefliger - Pictures at an Exhibition: IX. The Hut on Fowl's Legs (Baba-YagГЎ)

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Andreas Haefliger
