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Biber Henrich Ignaz Franz - Biber - Rosenkrantz Sonaten [Daskalakis] '2015 (Sweden)

Biber - Rosenkrantz Sonaten [Daskalakis]
ArtistBiber Henrich Ignaz Franz Related artists
Album name Biber - Rosenkrantz Sonaten [Daskalakis]
Country Sweden
Date 2015
Play time 02:12:35
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 836 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 727.49 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Biber - Sonata 1. The Annunciation - Praludium
2. Biber - Sonata 1. The Annunciation - Aria - Variatio
3. Biber - Sonata 1. The Annunciation - Finale
4. Biber - Sonata 2. The Visitation - Sonata
5. Biber - Sonata 2. The Visitation - Allamanda
6. Biber - Sonata 2. The Visitation - Presto
7. Biber - Sonata 3. The Nativity - Sonata
8. Biber - Sonata 3. The Nativity - Courente - Double
9. Biber - Sonata 3. The Nativity - Adagio
10. Biber - Sonata 4. The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple - Ciacona
11. Biber - Sonata 5. The Finding of Jesus in the Temple - Praludium
12. Biber - Sonata 5. The Finding of Jesus in the Temple - Allamanda
13. Biber - Sonata 5. The Finding of Jesus in the Temple - Guigue
14. Biber - Sonata 5. The Finding of Jesus in the Temple - Sarabanda - Double
15. Biber - Sonata 6. The Agony in the Garden - Lamento
16. Biber - Sonata 7. The Scourging at the Pillar - Allamanda - Variatio
17. Biber - Sonata 7. The Scourging at the Pillar - Sarabanda - Variatio
18. Biber - Sonata 8. The Crowning with Thorns - Sonata
19. Biber - Sonata 8. The Crowning with Thorns - Guigue - Double 1 - Double 2
20. Biber - Sonata 9. The Carrying of the Cross - Sonata
21. Biber - Sonata 9. The Carrying of the Cross - Courente - Double
22. Biber - Sonata 9. The Carrying of the Cross - Finale
23. Biber - Sonata 10. The Crucifixion - Praludium
24. Biber - Sonata 10. The Crucifixion - Aria - Variatio
25. Biber - Sonata 11. The Resurrection - Sonata
26. Biber - Sonata 11. The Resurrection - Surrexit Christus hodie
27. Biber - Sonata 11. The Resurrection - Adagio
28. Biber - Sonata 12. The Ascension - Intrada
29. Biber - Sonata 12. The Ascension - Aria Tubicinum
30. Biber - Sonata 12. The Ascension - Allamanda
31. Biber - Sonata 12. The Ascension - Courente - Double
32. Biber - Sonata 13. The Descent of the Holy Spirit - Sonata
33. Biber - Sonata 13. The Descent of the Holy Spirit - Gavott
34. Biber - Sonata 13. The Descent of the Holy Spirit - Guigue
35. Biber - Sonata 13. The Descent of the Holy Spirit - Sarabanda
36. Biber - Sonata 14. The Assumption of the Virgin - Sonata
37. Biber - Sonata 14. The Assumption of the Virgin - Aria - Variatio - Guigue
38. Biber - Sonata 15. The Coronation of the Virgin - Sonata
39. Biber - Sonata 15. The Coronation of the Virgin - Aria Variatio
40. Biber - Sonata 15. The Coronation of the Virgin - Canzon
41. Biber - Sonata 15. The Coronation of the Virgin - Sarabanda - Double
42. Biber - Passagalia Sonata 16 for solo violin
43. Biber - Sonata in D major for violin and basso continuo

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Biber Henrich Ignaz Franz
