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Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra - Martinsson: Presentiment '2018

Martinsson: Presentiment
ArtistRoyal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra Related artists
Album name Martinsson: Presentiment
Date 2018
Play time 01:13:19
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 662 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 318.39 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Open Mind, Op. 71
2. Orchestral Songs on Poems by Emily Dickinson, Op. 82a No. 9, Split the Lark
3. Orchestral Songs on Poems by Emily Dickinson, Op. 82a No. 10, Fame Is a Bee
4. A.S. in Memoriam, Op. 50b
5. Concerto for Orchestra, Op. 81 I. Con forza
6. Concerto for Orchestra, Op. 81 II. Molto espressivo
7. Concerto for Orchestra, Op. 81 III. Amabile e dolcissimo - Tumultuoso
8. Orchestral Songs on Poems by Emily Dickinson, Op. 82a No. 1, We Met as Sparks
9. Orchestral Songs on Poems by Emily Dickinson, Op. 82a No. 2, What I See Not
10. Orchestral Songs on Poems by Emily Dickinson, Op. 82a No. 3, If You Were Coming in the Fall
11. Orchestral Songs on Poems by Emily Dickinson, Op. 82a No. 4, Nature
12. Orchestral Songs on Poems by Emily Dickinson, Op. 82a No. 5, As Imperceptibly as Grief
13. Orchestral Songs on Poems by Emily Dickinson, Op. 82a No. 6, A Soft Sea
14. Orchestral Songs on Poems by Emily Dickinson, Op. 82a No. 7, If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking
15. Orchestral Songs on Poems by Emily Dickinson, Op. 82a No. 8, Presentiment

Archive content

Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra
