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Manfred Mann's Earth Band - 40th Anniversary '2011 (MMEBBOX1, RE, RM, UK, Part 2)

40th Anniversary
ArtistManfred Mann's Earth Band Related artists
Album name 40th Anniversary
Country MMEBBOX1, RE, RM, UK, Part 2
Date 2011
GenreProgressive Rock
Play time 07:49:36
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 898 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 2891.58 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • MP3 320 kbps
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
CD 1
1. Tribal Statistics
2. Eyes Of Nostradamus
3. Third World Service
4. Demolition Man
5. Brothers And Sisters Of Azania
6. Africa Suite: A. Brothers And Sisters Of Africa
7. Africa Suite: B. To Bantustan?
8. Africa Suite: C. Koze Kobenini?
9. Africa Suite: D. Lalela
10. Redemption Song
CD 2
1. Spirits In The Night
2. Demolition Man
3. For You
4. Davy's On The Road Again
5. Lies
6. Blinded By The Light
7. Redemption Song
CD 3
1. Going Underground
2. Who Are The Mystery Kids?
3. Banquet
4. Killer On The Loose
5. Do Anything You Wanna Do
6. Rescue
7. You Got Me Right Through The Heart
8. Bulldog
CD 4
1. Joybringer
2. Sister Billies Bounce
3. What You Give Is What You Get
4. Telegram To Monica
5. Billies Orno Bounce
6. A Couple Of Mates
7. Neptune
8. Rivers Run Dry
9. Hymn
10. We're Going Wrong
11. Planets Schmanets
CD 5
1. Kiowa
2. Medicine Song
3. Wounded Knee
4. Sikelele
5. Hunting Bow
6. Salmon Fishing
7. Laguna
8. Intrumedicine Song
9. Sikelele II
CD 6
1. Pleasure And Pain
2. Play With Fire
3. Nothing Ever Happens
4. Shelter From The Storm
5. Tumbling Ball
6. The Price I Pay
7. Lose The Touch
8. Adults Only
9. Wherever Love Drops
10. The Complete History Of Sexual Jealousy
11. 99 Lbs
12. Miss You
13. Nature Of The Beast
CD 7
1. Mann Alive - Martha.s Madman
2. Mann Alive - Time they ale a Changin
3. Mann Alive - You Angel you
4. Mann Alive - Father of Day, Father of Night
5. Mann Alive - For You
6. Mann Alive - It.s a fine Line
7. Mann Alive - Demolition Man
8. Mann Alive - Nothing ever Happens
9. Mann Alive - She was
CD 8
1. I'll Give You
2. Shelter From The Storm
3. Redemption Song
4. The Mighty Quinn
5. Demolition Mann
6. Blinded By The Light
7. Redemption Song
8. Instrumedicine Song
CD 9
1. Manfred Mann - Demons And Dragons
2. Manfred Mann - Two Bridges
3. Manfred Mann - Down In Mexico
4. Manfred Mann - Happenstance
5. Manfred Mann - The History Of Sexual Jealousy
6. Manfred Mann - Black Eyes
7. Manfred Mann - Mars
8. Manfred Mann - Get Me Out Of This
9. Manfred Mann - Frog
10. Manfred Mann - Two Friends
11. Manfred Mann - Monkmann
12. Manfred Mann - Marche Slave
13. Manfred Mann - Independent Woman
CD 10
1. Martha's Madman
2. Dancing In The Dark
3. For You
4. Father Of Day, Father Of Night
5. Don't Kill It Carol
6. Blinded By The Light
7. Davy's On The Road Again

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Manfred Mann's Earth Band





Live album