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Queen - Queen 40. Volume 2 '2011 (D001410002, RE, RM, US)

Queen 40. Volume 2
ArtistQueen Related artists
Album name Queen 40. Volume 2
Country D001410002, RE, RM, US
Date 2011
GenreHard Rock
Play time 04:46:02
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 1075 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 2045.32 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • MP3 320 kbps
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
CD 1
1. We Will Rock You
2. We Are The Champions
3. Sheer Heart Attack
4. All Dead, All Dead
5. Spread Your Wings
6. Fight From The Inside
7. Get Down, Make Love
8. Sleeping On The Sidewalk
9. Who Needs You
10. It's Late
CD 2
1. Feelings Feelings
2. Spread Your Wings
3. My Melancholy Blues
4. Sheer Heart Attack
CD 3
1. Mustapha
2. Fat Bottomed Girls
3. Jealousy
4. Bicycle Race
5. If You Can't Beat Them
6. Let Me Entertain You
7. Dead On Time
8. In Only Seven Days
9. Dreamer's Ball
10. Fun It
11. Leaving Home Ain't Easy
12. Don't Stop Me Now
CD 4
1. Fat Bottomed Girls
2. Bicycle Race
3. Don't Stop Me Now
4. Let Me Entertain You
CD 5
1. Play The Game
2. Dragon Attack
3. Another One Bites The Dust
4. Need Your Loving Tonight
5. Crazy Little Thing Called Love
6. Rock It
7. Don't Try Suicide
8. Sail Away Sweet Sister
9. Coming Soon
CD 6
1. Save Me
2. A Human Body
3. Sail Away Sweet Sister
4. It's A Beautiful Day
CD 7
1. Flash's Theme
2. In The Space Capsule
3. Ming's Theme
4. The Ring
5. Football Fight
6. In The Death Cell
7. Execution Of Flash
8. The Kiss
9. Arboria
10. Escape From The Swamp
11. Flash To The Rescue
12. Vultan's Theme
13. Battle Theme
14. The Wedding March
15. Marriage Of Dale And Ming
16. Crash Dive On Mingo City
17. Flash's Theme Reprise
CD 8
1. Flash
2. The Hero
3. The Kiss
4. Football Fight
5. Flash
CD 9
1. Staying Power
2. Dancer
3. Back Chat
4. Body Language
5. Action This Day
6. Put Out The Fire
7. Life Is Real
8. Calling All Girls
9. Las Palabras De Amor
10. Cool Cat
CD 10
1. Staying Power
2. Soul Brother
3. Back Chat
4. Action This Day

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