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Laura Rossi - Hurricane (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) '2018

Hurricane (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
ArtistLaura Rossi Related artists
Album name Hurricane (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Date 2018
Play time 00:44:51
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 819 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 207.86 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. 2:31 | 01. Rage of the Loss
2. 1:03 | 02. The Escape
3. 3:02 | 03. The Main Force
4. 3:15 | 04. Gabriel's Chapel - Rollo's Burns
5. 0:59 | 05. Flashback to Poland - Zumbach Remembers
6. 1:17 | 06. Magda's Fate
7. 1:55 | 07. Sea Rescue - Burning Exhaustion
8. 0:35 | 08. Celebrations
9. 1:27 | 09. Love and War
10. 0:53 | 10. Sorrow
11. 0:47 | 11. Gabriel's Chapel - Zumbach Weeps
12. 0:41 | 12. Hurricane
13. 1:34 | 13. Watches
14. 1:25 | 14. Death of Ziggy
15. 0:56 | 15. Gabriel's Guilt
16. 1:00 | 16. The Injured
17. 0:52 | 17. Training - The Press
18. 0:54 | 18. Scramble
19. 1:19 | 19. Hospital
20. 3:10 | 20. Zumbach's Wife. New Attack
21. 1:34 | 21. Be Afraid -- Assault
22. 4:04 | 22. The Last Push
23. 1:34 | 23. Heroes
24. 3:43 | 24. Zumbach & Phyllis Parting
25. 4:21 | 25. Death of Comrades - End Credits

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Laura Rossi
