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Stick Men feat. Mel Collins - Roppongi '2017

ArtistStick Men feat. Mel Collins Related artists
Album name Roppongi
Date 2017
Play time 02:11:01
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 876 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 728.45 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Disk One [First Show]
2. 1. Hide The Trees. 7:09
3. 2. Larks' Tongues In Aspic, Pt. 2. 6:08
4. 3. Sepia. 9:33
5. 4. Sartori In Tangier. 6:14
6. 5. Crack In The Sky. 5:30
7. 6. Horatio. 4:12
8. 7. Prog Noir. 6:15
9. 8. Ookami . 9:39
10. 9. Level 5. 6:57
11. Disk Two [Second Show]
12. 1. Roppongi . 6:35
13. 2. Schattenhaft. 4:47
14. 3. Industry. 11:05
15. 4. Mantra. 5:21
16. 5. Prog Noir. 6:15
17. 6. Shiro. 10:09
18. 7. Sailor's Tale. 7:45
19. 8. Level 5. 6:51
20. 9. Open. 10:36

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Stick Men feat. Mel Collins
