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Adele Charvet & Susan Manoff - Long Time Ago [Hi-Res] '2019

Long Time Ago [Hi-Res]
ArtistAdele Charvet & Susan Manoff Related artists
Album name Long Time Ago [Hi-Res]
Date 2019
Play time 00:56:06
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 2206 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media WEB
Size 891.28 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • MP3 320 kbps
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
1. Old American Songs II- II. Zion's Walls
2. Old American Songs I- III. Long Time Ago
3. The House of Life- II. Silent Noon
4. Fish in the Unruffled Lakes- II. Night Covers up the Rigid Land
5. Four Cabaret Songs- III. Johnny
6. Despite and Still, Op.41- IV. Solitary Hotel
7. The Santa Fe Songs- II. Listening to Jazz
8. Songs to the Moon I- V. The Moon's the North Wind's Cooky
9. Cabaret Songs Vol.1- VI. Amor
10. Cabaret Songs Vol.1- IV. Waitin
11. Four Cabaret Songs- II. Funeral Blues
12. Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson- V. Heart, We will Forget Him!
13. Hermit Songs, Op.29- X. The Desire for Hermitage
14. 114 Songs- XII. Remembrance
15. Four Songs, Op.13- IV. Nocturne
16. I Said to Love, Op.19b- III. Two Lips
17. Four Songs, Op.13- III. Sure on This Shining Night
18. Four Songs, Op.13- II. The Secrets of the Old
19. Song of a Nightclub Proprietress
20. Natural Selection- II. Animal Passion
21. 114 Songs- 108. Songs My Mother Taught Me
22. 7 Elizabethan Lyrics, Op.12- I. Weep You No More
23. Old American Songs II- IV. At the River

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Adele Charvet & Susan Manoff
