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Peter Gabriel - So '1986 (2012, PGBOX2, RE, RM, EU)

ArtistPeter Gabriel Related artists
Album name So
Country 2012, PGBOX2, RE, RM, EU
Date 1986
GenrePop Rock
Play time 03:32:05
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 1145 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 1495.49 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. 1-1 Red Rain 5:38
2. 1-2 Sledgehammer 5:12
3. 1-3 Don't Give Up 6:32
4. 1-4 That Voice Again 4:49
5. 1-5 Mercy Street 6:18
6. 1-6 Big Time 4:25
7. 1-7 We Do What We're Told 3:19
8. 1-8 This Is The Picture 4:21
9. 1-9 In Your Eyes 5:28
10. 2-1 Red Rain 6:15
11. 2-2 Sledgehammer 6:30
12. 2-3 Don't Give Up 6:11
13. 2-4 That Voice Again 6:39
14. 2-5 Mercy Street 7:51
15. 2-6 Big Time 6:54
16. 2-7 We Do What We're Told 5:01
17. 2-8 This Is The Picture 3:59
18. 2-9 In Your Eyes 10:13
19. 3-1 This Is The Picture 5:57
20. 3-2 San Jacinto 7:26
21. 3-3 Shock The Monkey 6:44
22. 3-4 Family Snapshot 4:35
23. 3-5 Intruder 5:26
24. 3-6 Games Without Frontiers 5:29
25. 3-7 No Self Control 6:15
26. 3-8 Mercy Street 9:15
27. 3-9 The Family And The Fishing Net 7:08
28. 4-1 Don't Give Up 8:16
29. 4-2 Solsbury Hill 5:10
30. 4-3 Lay Your Hands On Me 6:14
31. 4-4 Sledgehammer 5:06
32. 4-5 Here Comes The Flood 2:47
33. 4-6 In Your Eyes 10:38
34. 4-7 Biko 9:38

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Peter Gabriel




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