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Berliner Philharmoniker & Sir Simon Rattle - Berliner Philharmoniker Plays Stravinsky '2019

Berliner Philharmoniker Plays Stravinsky
ArtistBerliner Philharmoniker & Sir Simon Rattle Related artists
Album name Berliner Philharmoniker Plays Stravinsky
Date 2019
Play time 112:03 min
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 411.68 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. The Rite of Spring, K 15, Pt. 1 "Adoration of the Earth": II. Augurs of spring
2. The Rite of Spring, K 15, Pt. 1 "Adoration of the Earth": IV. Ritual of Abduction
3. The Rite of Spring, K 15, Pt. 1 "Adoration of the Earth": VII. Procession of the Sage: The Sage
4. The Rite of Spring, K 15, Pt. 2 "The Sacrifice": I. Introduction
5. The Rite of Spring, K 15, Pt. 2 "The Sacrifice": III. Glorification of the Chosen One
6. The Rite of Spring, K 15, Pt. 2 "The Sacrifice": VI. Sacrificial Dance
7. The Rite of Spring, K 15, Pt. 2 "The Sacrifice": V. Ritual Action of the Ancestors
8. Symphony in C: I. Moderato alla breve
9. Symphony in C: II. Larghetto concertante
10. Symphony in C: III. Allegretto
11. Symphony in C: IV. Largo - Tempo guisto alla breve
12. Symphony in Three Movements: I. Allegro
13. Symphony in Three Movements: II. Andante
14. Symphony in Three Movements: III. Con moto
15. Symphony of Winds
16. Apollon Musagete, Tab. 1: Prologue, The birth of Apollo
17. Apollon Musagete, Tab. 2: Variation of Apollo
18. Symphony of Psalms: I. Exaudi orationem meam
19. Symphony of Psalms: II. Expectans expectavi Dominum
20. Symphony of Psalms: III. Alleluja. Laudate Dominum

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Berliner Philharmoniker & Sir Simon Rattle
