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Mariann Marczi - Splinters: 20th Century Hungarian Works for Piano '2020

Splinters: 20th Century Hungarian Works for Piano
ArtistMariann Marczi Related artists
Album name Splinters: 20th Century Hungarian Works for Piano
Date 2020
Play time 01:08:37
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 2429 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 919.54 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 96 kHz
Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 96 kHz
1. Splinters, Op. 6-d: I. Molto agitato
2. Splinters, Op. 6-d: II. Sostenuto
3. Splinters, Op. 6-d: III. Vivo - Prestissimo - Vivo
4. Splinters, Op. 6-d: IV. in memoriam tefan Romacanu. Mesto - Pesante, strascinando
5. From Etudes, Book II: Fem
6. Meditation sur un motif de Claude Debussy
7. Seven Pieces for Piano: I. Lento
8. Seven Pieces for Piano: II. Complainte Szekely. Rubato, parlando
9. Seven Pieces for Piano: III. pleut dans mon cYur comme il pleut sur la ville... . Allegretto malinconico
10. Seven Pieces for Piano: IV. Epitaphe. Rubato
11. Seven Pieces for Piano: V. Tranquillo
12. Seven Pieces for Piano: VI. Chanson populaire Szekely. Poco rubato
13. Seven Pieces for Piano: VII. Rubato
14. Trois Burlesques pour piano, Op. 8-c: I. . Presto
15. Trois Burlesques pour piano, Op. 8-c: II. . Alegretto
16. Trois Burlesques pour piano, Op. 8-c: III. Molto vivo, capriccioso
17. Ricercare
18. Arthur Rimbaud in the Desert
19. The Ultimate Goal

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