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Antigoni Goni - Hymn to the Muse: Greek Music for Guitar '2016

Hymn to the Muse: Greek Music for Guitar
ArtistAntigoni Goni Related artists
Album name Hymn to the Muse: Greek Music for Guitar
Date 2016
GenreClassical Guitar
Play time 01:05:17
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 225.91 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Hymn to the Muse: Hymn to the Muse
2. Hymn to the Muse: First Delphic Hymn to Apollo
3. Hymn to the Muse: First Delphic Hymn to Apollo
4. Hymn to the Muse: Second Delphic Hymn to Apollo
5. Hymn to the Muse: Hymn to Nemesis
6. Hymn to the Muse: Epitaph to Seikilos
7. Four Greek Miniatures: Pleading Song
8. Four Greek Miniatures: Joyous Love Song
9. Four Greek Miniatures: Lament
10. Four Greek Miniatures: Leaping Dance
11. Gioconda's Smile: Countess Esterhazy
12. Gioconda's Smile: The Virgin in my Neighborhood
13. Gioconda's Smile: Returning in the Evening
14. Two Epitafios: A Day in May
15. Two Epitafios: You have set, my star
16. Three Greek Letters: Psi
17. Three Greek Letters: Pi
18. Three Greek Letters: Sigma
19. Eridos: Pre-Dawn
20. Eridos: Minerva
21. Eridos: Aphrodite and Juno

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