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Kreator - Bootleg Revolution '2022

Bootleg Revolution
ArtistKreator Related artists
Album name Bootleg Revolution
Date 2022
GenreThrash Metal
Play time 02:58:17
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 1065 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 1275.98 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Violent Revolution
2. Reconquering the Throne
3. Extreme Aggression
4. People of the Lie
5. All of the Same Blood
6. Phobia
7. Pleasure to Kill
8. Renewal
9. Servant in Heaven, King in Hell
10. Terrible Certainty
11. Riot of Violence
12. Terrorzone
13. Betrayer
14. Lost
15. Coma of Souls
16. Flag of Hate
17. Tormentor
18. Violent Revolution
19. Reconquering the Throne
20. Extreme Aggression
21. People of the Lie
22. All of the Same Blood
23. Phobia
24. Servant in Heaven - King in Hell
25. Terrible Certainty
26. Riot of Violence
27. Betrayer
28. Flag of Hate
29. Tormentor
30. The Patriarch
31. Violent Revolution
32. Reconquering the Throne
33. Extreme Aggression
34. People of the Lie
35. All of the Same Blood
36. Phobia
37. Pleasure to Kill
38. Renewal
39. Servant in Heaven - King in Hell
40. Flag of Hate
41. Tormentor

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