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Piano Bar - Soft Melodies for the Ultimate Collection '2022

Soft Melodies for the Ultimate Collection
ArtistPiano Bar Related artists
Album name Soft Melodies for the Ultimate Collection
Date 2022
Play time 01:32:24
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 619 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 337.46 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. PianoDreams - The Softest Snooze
2. PianoDreams - Easing
3. PianoDreams - A Quiet Symphony
4. PianoDreams - Flowers in Spring
5. PianoDreams - Beauty of the Mind
6. PianoDreams - Leaves Falling
7. PianoDreams - Serene Nighttime
8. PianoDreams - Colorful Ether
9. PianoDreams - Vitamins
10. PianoDreams - Warmth of Lights
11. PianoDreams - Walk With Me
12. PianoDreams - Wishing Well
13. PianoDreams - Afternoon Ambiance
14. PianoDreams - Washed Free
15. PianoDreams - Calming Waters
16. PianoDreams - Passing Flame
17. PianoDreams - Rest in the Shadow
18. PianoDreams - Rolling Hills
19. PianoDreams - Soaring Skies
20. PianoDreams - Warm Winters
21. PianoDreams - Blossoming Ballads
22. PianoDreams - Fireside Bliss
23. PianoDreams - Dazzling Waves
24. PianoDreams - Window to the Soul
25. PianoDreams - Imagine Paradise
26. PianoDreams - Lavender Peace
27. PianoDreams - Tranquilizing
28. PianoDreams - Pillow Melody
29. PianoDreams - Birdsongs
30. PianoDreams - Rolling Fields
31. PianoDreams - Gentle Beginnings
32. PianoDreams - Guidance
33. PianoDreams - State of Zen
34. PianoDreams - Moonlight Slumber
35. PianoDreams - The Happy Place
36. PianoDreams - Calm Omnipresent
37. PianoDreams - Perseverance
38. PianoDreams - Dreamlike Harmony
39. PianoDreams - Moonlit Sand
40. PianoDreams - Dreamscape
41. PianoDreams - Beautiful Confidence
42. PianoDreams - Drifting Blissfully
43. PianoDreams - Warming Peace
44. PianoDreams - Song for the Heart
45. PianoDreams - Dancing Raindrops
46. PianoDreams - Rustling Leaves
47. PianoDreams - Moonrise Melodies
48. PianoDreams - Sunshine Flow
49. PianoDreams - Calm Nature
50. PianoDreams - Cozy Rainy Atmosphere

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