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Peter, Paul & Mary - Around the Campfire '1998 (2CD)

Around the Campfire
ArtistPeter, Paul & Mary Related artists
Album name Around the Campfire
Country 2CD
Date 1998
Play time 01:26:11
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 524.66 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Peter, Paul And Mary - This Land Is Your Land
2. Peter, Paul And Mary - Garden Song
3. Peter, Paul And Mary - Kisses Sweeter Than Wine
4. Peter, Paul And Mary - It's Raining
5. Peter, Paul And Mary - Somos El Barco
6. Peter, Paul And Mary - If I Had a Hammer
7. Peter, Paul And Mary - River of Jordan
8. Peter, Paul And Mary - Light One Candle
9. Peter, Paul And Mary - Where Have All the Flowers Gone
10. Peter, Paul And Mary - Inside
11. Peter, Paul And Mary - The Marvelous Toy
12. Peter, Paul And Mary - Right Field
13. Peter, Paul And Mary - Kumbaya
14. Peter, Paul And Mary - Michael Row the Boat Ashore
15. Peter, Paul And Mary - Down by the Riverside
16. Peter, Paul And Mary - Puff, the Magic Dragon
17. Peter, Paul And Mary - 500 Miles
18. Peter, Paul And Mary - Stewball
19. Peter, Paul And Mary - Blowin' in the Wind
20. Peter, Paul And Mary - We Shall Overcome
21. Peter, Paul And Mary - All My Trials
22. Peter, Paul And Mary - Weave Me the Sunshine
23. Peter, Paul And Mary - Day Is Done
24. Peter, Paul And Mary - Leaving on a Jet Plane
25. Peter, Paul And Mary - Goodnight Irene

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