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Yukie Nagai - Ravel: Transcriptions for Two Pianos '1990

Ravel: Transcriptions for Two Pianos
ArtistYukie Nagai Related artists
Album name Ravel: Transcriptions for Two Pianos
Date 1990
Play time 01:05:26
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 200.16 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Dag Achatz - I. Lever du jour - II. Pantomime - III. Danse generale
2. Dag Achatz - I. Pavane de la belle au bois dormant [Pavane of Beauty Sleeping in the Wood]
3. Dag Achatz - II. Petit poucet [Tom Thumb]
4. Dag Achatz - III. Laideronette, Imperatrice des pagodes [Laideronette, Empress of the Pagodas]
5. Dag Achatz - IV. Les entretiens de la belle et de la bete [the Conversations of Beauty and the Beast]
6. Dag Achatz - V. Le jardin feerique [the Fairy Garden]
7. Dag Achatz - I. Prelude a la nuit - [attacca] [Version for 2 pianos]
8. Dag Achatz - II. Malaguena
9. Dag Achatz - III. Habanera
10. Dag Achatz - IV. Feria
11. Dag Achatz - Bolero: Bolero [Version for piano 4 hands]

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