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Thomas Albertus Irnberger, David Geringas, Barbara Moser - It's a Girl! '2021

It's a Girl!
ArtistThomas Albertus Irnberger, David Geringas, Barbara Moser Related artists
Album name It's a Girl!
Date 2021
Play time 01:02:10
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 5483 Kbps / 192 kHz
Media LP
Size 2442.76 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 192 kHz
Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 192 kHz
1. Farrenc: Flute Trio No. 4 in E Minor, Op. 45 : I. Allegro deciso
2. Farrenc: Flute Trio No. 4 in E Minor, Op. 45 : II. Andante
3. arrenc: Flute Trio No. 4 in E Minor, Op. 45 : III. Scherzo. Vivace
4. Farrenc: Flute Trio No. 4 in E Minor, Op. 45 : IV. Finale. Presto
5. Bonis: Soir, Matin, Op. 76: I. Andante cantabile
6. Bonis: Soir, Matin, Op. 76: II. Andantino
7. Beach: Piano Trio in A Minor, Op. 150: I. Allegro
8. Beach: Piano Trio in A Minor, Op. 150: II. Lento espressivo
9. Beach: Piano Trio in A Minor, Op. 150: III. Allegro con brio
10. Eckhardt-Gramatte: A Little Piece of Music
11. Smith: Trio Cornwall: I. Allegro giusto
12. Smith: Trio Cornwall: II. Theme & Variations
13. Smith: Trio Cornwall: III. Allegro quasi rondo

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Thomas Albertus Irnberger, David Geringas, Barbara Moser
