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Glenn Hughes - The Official Bootleg Box Set Volume Three 1995-2010 '2020 (6CD)

The Official Bootleg Box Set Volume Three 1995-2010
ArtistGlenn Hughes Related artists
Album name The Official Bootleg Box Set Volume Three 1995-2010
Country 6CD
Date 2020
GenreClassic Rock
Play time 05:49:00
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 985 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 2136.73 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. 1. Intro
2. 2. Big Time
3. 3. The Liar
4. 4. Muscle And Blood
5. 5. You Are The Music
6. 6. Your Love Is Alright
7. 7. Push
8. 8. This Time Around
9. 9. Coast To Coast
10. 1. Way Back To The Bone
11. 2. First Step Of Love
12. 3. You Fool No One
13. 4. You Keep On Moving
14. 5. Gettin' Tighter
15. 6. Stormbringer
16. 7. Burn
17. 1. Big Time
18. 2. Muscle And Blood
19. 3. You Are The Music
20. 4. Your Love Is Alright
21. 5. Push
22. 6. Coast To Coast
23. 7. Way Back To The Bone
24. 8. First Step Of Love
25. 9. You Fool No One
26. 10. Gettin' Tighter
27. 11. Stormbringer
28. 12. Burn
29. 1. Coast To Coast
30. 2. I Found A Woman
31. 3. Mistreated
32. 4. It's About Time
33. 5. Seafull
34. Owed To "G"
35. 7. Will Our Love End
36. 8. Nights In White Satin
37. 9. Don't Let Me Bleed
38. 10. Holy Man
39. 11. You Keep On Moving
40. 12. Stormbringer
41. 1. Muscle And Blood
42. 2. Touch My Life
43. 3. Orion
44. 4. Sail Away
45. 5. Medusa
46. 6. You Kill Me
47. 7. Can't Stop The Flood
48. 8. Crave
49. 9. Don't Let Me Bleed
50. 1. Keepin' Time
51. 2. Steppin' On
52. 3. Soul Mover
53. 4. Addiction
54. 5. Burn

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Glenn Hughes




Live album