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Alan Davey - Four-Track Mind '2020

Four-Track Mind
ArtistAlan Davey Related artists
Album name Four-Track Mind
Date 2020
Play time 04:50:38
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 1710.78 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Spiritual Modulator
2. R.E.M. Time
3. Chinese Whispers
4. Transient
5. Slumber Head
6. Dragon Chaser
7. Hypno Trip
8. In a Sphere
9. E-On Strings
10. Wind of Ghosts
11. Dark Light
12. Moody Motion
13. Flight to Andromeda
14. Sunrise Assassins
15. Moonstone
16. Dragon Chaser
17. Sword of the East
18. A Shot in the Dark
19. Spiritual Modulator
20. The Call
21. Fire Tribe
22. Return To
23. Simulator
24. Chased
25. Dragon Chaser
26. Drive
27. On Acid Bass!
28. Hitze Seeker V
29. Of Wings
30. Out of My Box
31. Robby's Rap
32. Jigging
33. The Noise
34. Abab Fed
35. Backwards Thru Water
36. Tribal Daze
37. Lost in the Smoke
38. Snake Charmer
39. Up and Up
40. The Animal
41. Deep Space Rock
42. Don't Fret
43. From the Deep
44. Blue Shift
45. Osc Squared
46. Stan's Middle 8
47. Astron Belt
48. Special Place
49. Received
50. Fear at Night
51. Endoparasitoid
52. Wave Upon Wave
53. Space to Go
54. Greenback Massacre
55. Shahadah
56. Many Voices
57. Bird Nebula
58. Creamy
59. Holosuite Program
60. Assimilation
61. Alien Fingers
62. The Wind
63. Be Still
64. Magic B
65. Lgm
66. In the Game
67. Reality Foil

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Alan Davey
