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Ashford & Simpson - Love Will Fix It : The Warner Bros. Anthology 1973-1981 '2018

Love Will Fix It : The Warner Bros. Anthology 1973-1981
ArtistAshford & Simpson Related artists
Album name Love Will Fix It : The Warner Bros. Anthology 1973-1981
Date 2018
Play time 03:55:51
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 849 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 1514.56 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. I'd know you anywhere
2. Bend me
3. Gimme something real
4. Have you ever tried it
5. Main line
6. Everybody's got to give it up
7. Ain't nothin' but a maybe
8. Somebody told a lie
9. It'll come it'll come it'll come
10. Sell the house
11. One more try
12. Tried tested and found true
13. Over and over
14. So so satisfied
15. Send it
16. Don't cost you nothing
17. By the way of love's express
18. Top of the stairs
19. Bourgie bourgie
20. It seems to hang on
21. Is it still good to ya
22. Ain't it a shame [long version]
23. The debt is settled [long version]
24. Get up and do something
25. Flashback [single mix]
26. Found a cure
27. Nobody knows
28. Crazy
29. Stay free
30. Love don't make it right [single mix]
31. I ain't asking for your love
32. Love don't make it right [single version]
33. Get out your handkerchief
34. It shows in the eyes
35. It's the long run [single version]
36. You're all I need to get by; Ain't nothing like th real thing; ain't no mount
37. Found a cure [Tom Moulton remix]
38. Love don't make it right [John Morales M plus M disco mix]
39. Stay free [Groove line disco mix]
40. It seems to hang on [12' disco mix]
41. Don't cost you nothing [12' disco mix]
42. Tried tested and found true [12' disco mix]
43. Over and over [12' disco mix]
44. One more try [12' disco mix]
45. Flashback [12' disco mix]
46. Bourgiй bourgiй [Joe Claussell's classic mix]
47. Tried tested and found true [Mike Maurro's instrumental reprise]

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Ashford & Simpson



