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Wilco - Being There '2017 (Deluxe Edition)

Being There
ArtistWilco Related artists
Album name Being There
Country Deluxe Edition
Date 2017
Play time 3:51:29
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 961 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 1628.36 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Misunderstood
2. Far, Far Away
3. Monday
4. Outtasite
5. Forget The Flowers
6. Red-Eyed And Blue
7. I Got You
8. What's The World Got In Store
9. Hotel Arizona
10. Say You Miss Me
11. Sunken Treasure
12. Someday Soon
13. Outta Mind
14. Someone Else's Song
15. Kingpin
16. Was I In Your Dreams?
17. Why Would You Wanna Live?
18. The Lonely 1
19. Dreamer In My Dreams
20. Late Blooming Son
21. I Got You [Dobro Mix Warzone]
22. Out of Sight, Out of Mind [Alternate]
23. Far Far Away
24. Dynamite My Soul
25. Losing Interest
26. Why Would You Wanna Live [Alternate]
27. Sun's a Star
28. Capitol City
29. Better When I'm Gone
30. Dreamer in My Dreams [Alternate Rough Take]
31. Say You Miss Me [Alternate]
32. I Got You [Alternate]
33. Monday [Party Horn Version]
34. I Can't Keep From Talking
35. Sunken Treasure [Live at the Troubadour 11-12-96]
36. Red-Eyed and Blue [Live at the Troubadour 11-12-96]
37. I Got You [Live at the Troubadour 11-12-96]
38. Someone Else's Song [Live at the Troubadour 11-12-96]
39. Someday Soon [Live at the Troubadour 11-12-96]
40. Forget the Flowers [Live at the Troubadour 11-12-96]
41. New Madrid [Live at the Troubadour 11-12-96]
42. I Must Be High [Live at the Troubadour 11-12-96]
43. Passenger Side [Punk Version] [Live at the Troubadour 11-12-96]
44. Passenger Side [Live at the Troubadour 11-12-96]
45. Hotel Arizona [Live at the Troubadour 11-12-96]
46. Monday [Live at the Troubadour 11-12-96]
47. Say You Miss Me [Live at the Troubadour 11-12-96]
48. Outtasite [Live at the Troubadour 11-12-96]
49. The Long Cut [Live at the Troubadour 11-12-96]
50. Kingpin [Live at the Troubadour 11-12-96]
51. Misunderstood [Live at the Troubadour 11-12-96]
52. Far, Far Away [Live at the Troubadour 11-12-96]
53. Give Back the Key to My Heart [Live at the Troubadour 11-12-96]
54. Gun [Live at the Troubadour 11-12-96]
55. Sunken Treasure [Live on KCRW 11-13-96]
56. Red-Eyed and Blue [Live on KCRW 11-13-96]
57. Far, Far Away [Live on KCRW 11-13-96]
58. Will You Love Me Tomorrow [Live KCRW 11-13-96]

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