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Todd Terje - Remaster of the Universe '2010

Remaster of the Universe
ArtistTodd Terje Related artists
Album name Remaster of the Universe
Date 2010
Play time 02:32:19
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 957 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 1048.24 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Intro
2. Reverso 68 - Piece Together
3. M - Pop Muzik
4. Chuck Norris - All That She Wants
5. Simon Baker - Plastik
6. Chaz Jankel - Glad To Know You
7. Duliatten Disco Dandia - Surat Surfin
8. Jose Gonzalez - Killing For Love
9. Felix Laband - Whistling In Tongues
10. , Shit Robot - Percussion Break, Simple Things
11. Mungolian Jetset - Moon Jocks n Prog Rocks
12. Fox N'Wolf - Claws Against Knives
13. Dolle Jolle - Balearic Incarnation
14. Gichy Dan - On A Day Like This
15. Rogue Cat - Magic Journey
16. Kacic Kullmann's Five - Terjelator
17. New Mjondalen Disco Swingers - Eurodans
18. Antena - Camino Del Sol
19. Jose Gonzalez - Killing For Love
20. Dolle Jolle - Balearic Incarnation
21. M - Pop Muzik
22. Lindstrom - Another Station
23. Studio - Life's A Beach!
24. Shit Robot - Simple Things
25. Mungolian Jetset - Moon Jocks N Prog Rocks
26. Rogue Cat - Magic Journey

Archive content

Todd Terje
