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Jimi Hendrix - Live In Europe 66-70 '2010

Live In Europe 66-70
ArtistJimi Hendrix Related artists
Album name Live In Europe 66-70
Date 2010
GenreClassic Rock
Play time 06:55:46
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 880 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 2154.39 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • MP3 320 kbps
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
CD 1
1. Killing Floor
2. Hey Joe
3. Wild Thing
4. Hey Joe
5. Purple Haze
6. Hey Joe
7. Purple Haze
8. Interview with Jimi and Noel
9. Foxy Lady
10. Hey Joe
11. Stone Free
12. Fire
13. Purple Haze
14. Hey Joe
15. Wild Thing
16. Stone Free
17. Hey Joe
18. Purple Haze
19. Wild Thing
20. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
21. Foxy Lady
22. Wild Thing
CD 2
1. Stone Free
2. Fire
3. Catfish Blues
4. Foxy Lady
5. The Wind Cries Mary
6. Chat
7. Rock Me Baby
8. Red House
9. Purple Haze
10. Wild Thing
11. Introduction-Foxy Lady
12. Catfish Blues
13. Purple Haze false start
14. Purple Haze
15. Purple Haze
CD 3
1. Come On
2. Foxy Lady
3. Red House
4. Voodoo Child
5. Fire
6. Spanish Castle Magic
7. Hey Joe
8. Sunshine Of Your Love
9. Star Spangled Banner
CD 4
1. Fire
2. I Don't Live Today
3. Little Wing
4. Foxy Lady
5. Sunshine Of Your Love
6. Hey Joe-Purple Haze
7. Voodoo Child incomplete
CD 5
1. Fire
2. Spanish Castle Magic
3. Foxy Lady
4. Red House
5. Come On
6. Purple Haze
7. Introduction
8. Freedom
9. Introduction
10. Message To Love
11. Hey Baby-Instrumental
12. Drum Solo
CD 6
1. Introduction
2. Killing Floor
3. All Along The Watchtower
4. Hey Joe
5. Hey Baby
6. Message To Love
7. Foxy Lady
8. Ezy Rider
9. Freedom
10. Room Full Of Mirrors
11. Voodoo Child

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Jimi Hendrix





Live album

