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Clark Terry - Leader And Sideman '2013 (EMSC1102, RM, EU)

Leader And Sideman
ArtistClark Terry Related artists
Album name Leader And Sideman
Country EMSC1102, RM, EU
Date 2013
GenreHard Bop
Play time 02:39:32
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 938 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 1094.80 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Swahili
2. Double Play
3. Slow Boat
4. Co-Op
5. Kitten
6. The Countess
7. Tuma
8. Chuckles
9. The Dave Bailey Sextet - One Foot In The Gutter
10. The Dave Bailey Sextet - Well You Needn't
11. The Dave Bailey Sextet - Sandu
12. Quartet With Thelonious Monk - In Orbit
13. Quartet With Thelonious Monk - One Foot In The Gutter
14. Quartet With Thelonious Monk - Trust In Me
15. Quartet With Thelonious Monk - Let's Cool One
16. Quartet With Thelonious Monk - Pea-Eye
17. Quartet With Thelonious Monk - Argentia
18. Quartet With Thelonious Monk - Moonlight Fiesta
19. Quartet With Thelonious Monk - Buck's Business
20. Quartet With Thelonious Monk - Very Near Blue
21. Jimmy Hamilton With And Britt - Two For One
22. Jimmy Hamilton With And Britt - Mr. Good Blues
23. Jimmy Hamilton With And Britt - Peanut Head
24. Jimmy Hamilton With And Britt - Stupid But Not Crazy
25. Jimmy Hamilton With And Britt - Nits And Wits
26. Jimmy Hamilton With And Britt - Gone With The Blues

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Clark Terry




Live album